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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

English Slang, Collocations, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Their Synonyms



  • Netflix and chill: Watch movies or TV shows and relax
  • FOMO: Fear of missing out
  • Bae: Before anyone else
  • TBH: To be honest
  • BRB: Be right back


  • Make a mistake
  • Take a shower
  • Do the laundry
  • Have a good time
  • Feel sorry for yourself


  • Bite the bullet: Face a difficult situation
  • Don't count your chickens before they hatch: Don't assume success
  • Kill two birds with one stone: Achieve two goals with one action
  • Out of sight, out of mind: Forget about something if you don't see it
  • Turn a blind eye: Ignore something

Phrasal Verbs

  • Look after: Take care of
  • Put off: Delay
  • Run away: Escape
  • Get along with: Have a good relationship
  • Look forward to: Anticipate with pleasure


  • Happy: Joyful, delighted, ecstatic
  • Angry: Enraged, furious, livid
  • Tired: Exhausted, weary, fatigued
  • Hungry: Starving, famished, ravenous
  • Smart: Intelligent, clever, bright

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Career Growth

by Jerry Ramonyai 

Synonyms for "Fraternization"

Fraternization refers to the act of associating or interacting in a friendly way, especially between people of different ranks or groups. Here are some synonyms for fraternization:

General Synonyms:

  • Socializing
  • Interacting
  • Associating
  • Mixing
  • Communicating
  • Bonding

More Specific Synonyms (depending on context):

  • Comradeship
  • Fellowship
  • Brotherhood
  • Sisterhood
  • Unity
  • Harmony

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Career Growth

by Jerry Ramonyai 

Synonyms for Extrapolate

Extrapolate means to estimate or conclude something from known data. Here are some synonyms:

General Synonyms:

  • Infer
  • Deduce
  • Conclude
  • Guess
  • Estimate
  • Predict
  • Project
  • Anticipate

More Specific Synonyms (depending on context):

  • If referring to data: Interpolate, project, predict
  • If referring to a conclusion: Infer, deduce, conclude

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Career Growth

by Jerry Ramonyai 

Synonyms for Impersonated

Impersonated means to pretend to be someone else. Here are some synonyms:

General Synonyms:

  • Masqueraded as
  • Disguised as
  • Possed as
  • Pretended to be
  • Feigned to be
  • Faked being

More Specific Synonyms (depending on context):

  • If referring to a famous person: Masqueraded as, impersonated
  • If referring to a fictional character: Played, portrayed, acted

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Career Growth

by Jerry Ramonyai 

Synonyms for Barricaded

Barricaded means to block off a place with a barrier. Here are some synonyms:

General Synonyms:

  • Blocked
  • Obstructed
  • Closed off
  • Fortified
  • Protected
  • Secured

More Specific Synonyms (depending on context):

  • If referring to a road: Blocked, closed off, barricaded
  • If referring to a building: Fortified, protected, secured

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Career Growth

by Jerry Ramonyai 

Synonyms for Connotation

Connotation refers to the emotional or associative meaning of a word in addition to its literal definition. Here are some synonyms:

General Synonyms:

  • Implication
  • Suggestion
  • Inference
  • Overtone
  • Undercurrent
  • Subtext
  • Vibe
  • Atmosphere

More Specific Synonyms (depending on context):

  • Positive connotation: Association, positive association
  • Negative connotation: Negative association, undertone

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Career Growth

by Jerry Ramonyai 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Synonyms for "Profound"

Profound means having or showing great depth of thought or feeling. Here are some synonyms:

General Synonyms:

  • Deep
  • Intense
  • Significant
  • Serious
  • Thoughtful
  • Wise
  • Penetrating
  • Insightful
  • Meaningful

More Specific Synonyms (depending on context):

  • If referring to thought or feeling: Deep, intense, significant
  • If referring to knowledge or understanding: Probing, penetrating, insightful

Get This Book

Career Growth

by Jerry Ramonyai 
